Monday, May 30, 2011


Autumn Leaves - Cameron

Golden, red and green
Old, crunchy and fragile
Windy and crackly
Spinning and whirling
Autumn is a red carpet showing an adventure to winter.

Autumn Leaves - Jessica

Red, golden, green
Wet, soft and brittle
Noisy, rustling and crunchy
Turning, dropping
Autumn is when the leaves fall from the trees.

Autumn Leaves - Olivia

Green, red orange and yellow
Crunchy and soft
Whistling, rustling and noisy
Whirling, turning and falling
Autumn is lots of stars falling down to the floor.

Autumn Leaves - Ben

Golden, orange and yellow
Crunchy, old and wet
Noisy, windy and crackly
Turn, tumble and fall
Autumn is a blanket of leaves for winter to sleep in.

Autumn Leaves - Stirling

Magenta, green and golden orange
Crunchy, brittle, rough and fragile
Rustling, noisy, whistling and crackling
Whirling, spinning, tumble turns
Autumn is colourful with bright colourful leaves.


  1. What awesome Autumn poems Room 5. I LOVE the describing words you have used! From Mrs O'Donnell

  2. When the classroom clectd leves we made a fann with the leves i loved it the end goodby comment.


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