Sunday, September 4, 2011

Equal sharing - Part 2

Stirling came up with this great problem. Have a go at figuring it out using equal sharing. Tell mum and dad I highly recommend that you use real pieces of chocolate! Don't eat it before you figure out the answer. Great job, Stirling!

The blocks of chocolate that we had to sell for the school had 21 pieces in them, me, my sister and my mum all wanted some - how did we divide it equally?


  1. wow sterling I cant figer it out what was it.and how did you get that on the BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!! BY CAMERON

  2. Everyone gets 7 bits each, I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!!

  3. That chocolate looks so yummy

  4. wheres the white chocolate i miss the white chocolate

    gemma and Cassie

  5. hay you forgot about one tipe of chocolate the whers the WITE CHOCOLATE.BOHOHO NO WITE CHOCOLATE


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