Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hi Paris!

Hi Paris

Thank you for commenting on our blog. It was so sad when you left for Singapore and we miss you very much! We hope you are having a great time! It is so good to keep in contact with you! You are still a very important part of Room 5! Missing you stax!!

Love Room 5

Making Puppets

Puppet Shows on PhotoPeach

The South African Community got together and made puppets to use in a short play. We wanted to teach others about being inclusive. We had to work in our buddy groups to make our puppets and work on a script for our plays. We needed to have characters and create a situation where we could show the characters being inclusive. We all collaborated and participated and had heaps of fun! Our puppets look so awesome! We enjoyed watching the puppet shows too!

Monday, July 4, 2011


Hands save lives. They help heal people. Hands do sport and give love. They feed people and talk for the deaf and dumb people. If you are sad, you wipe the tears. They are your tools so don't lose them. - Cameron.

Hands help you when you talk. They help you a lot. They hug you. They save you from falling. They feed you. They are your best friends. - Charlotte

Hands talk in conversations. They help you drink and eat, they help you swim and stay strong and healthy and most of all they show love. - Aysha

Hands are good at driving to school and reading books. My dad's hands are good at working. I like my hands. - Lucas

I have hands that do mostly everything for me. If I fell over, my hands would save me. My hands can write, my hands can work like a tool. I would really hate to have no hands. - Zoe

We need hands to talk and to wash ourselves. We had hands for giving love. I love my hands. We have hands to eat. - Tami

Hands give mum and dad a wonderful hug. They are also like tools and help you to run very fast and play. When we read books we have to hold the book up. Hands wipe away tears when you cry.- Ben

You use your hands to hug people when they are sad and give love. You use your hands for activities like sport and exercise. You also use your hands to ask questions and heal people. You use your hands for washing your dishes. You use your hands to play. - Amber.